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Commercial / Hip Hop / Heels


Commercial/Hip Hop dance is a distinctive, strong style of dance with elements of street and jazz dance. A popular style of dance which is often used in modern music videos and TV performances.

Age range:

Classes are available for 6+ year olds and upwards.

Class times:

Please check times with the Studio

Student ageDayTimeLevel
6-10Monday16:30-17:15Junior Hip Hop
Monday19:00-20:00Beginners Hip Hop
16+Monday20:00-21:15Beginners Heels
16+Tuesday18:30-19:30All Hip Hop
16+Tuesday19:35-20:35Int/Adv Heels
18+Thursday19:45-20:45Beginners/Intermediate Heels

Additional Information:

  • No formal examinations are taken in this subject. 
  • Arrive in something comfortable which you can move in easily, including footwear. Please wherever possible avoid black soled shoes.
  • Class prices – This is dependent on the length of the class but the average price of a standard one hour class is £7.00 if paid termly in advance or £7.50 paid weekly.
  • Do you need to have done commercial/hip hop/heels dance before – Not at all. We will introduce you to the most suitable class; however those in the advanced class will need to have extensive dance experience.
  • If you require any further information please call us on 01603 763860.